
Wednesday, 12 January 2011

It's Back to Work....

Belated Happy New Year!  I am a bit late but I haven't been blogging since Christmas and am trying to get back to normal.  Trying is the word to describe it, I seem to be finding it a struggle getting back to serious work.

I think it was so busy before Christmas that I tired myself out!  I was thinking it was just me, but I have been reading other creative blogs and have found many people are saying the same thing, so I don't feel so bad.

I have so many things I need to do, new designs, updating the website, accounts (arghhh!!), paperwork, invoices......and that's before I start making anything!  I also need to finish my big tidy up in the studio so I can find space to lay things down!

One of my desks in desparate need of a tidy up:

This was the state of my paperwork at the end of last week - it is all filed away now thankfully.

I sat down on Monday and wrote a list.  That always helps and puts everything in perspective, it usually doesn't look so bad when it's in writing, and it's always good to cross things off as you do them.

One of my main things to do is to upload my product photos on Not The High Street, I was accepted as a selling partner in October but because of the Christmas rush I decided to delay selling with them in case I couldn't keep up with orders.

The die-cutting machine is sitting waiting patiently to be used:

I need to be making lots of these:

and these....

and these (and thats just the beginning).....

Maybe by next week I will be in full flow again (well I can always hope!), I need to get going so I don't get behind before I have even started!


  1. Hi, the felt looks great and you have some wonderful designs,Xxx

  2. Hi Donna
    I so know that feeling. I'm wading slowly through jobs to be done before I feel I can really start the year.
    I love to see an untidy desk though - it indicates a creative spirit. That's my excuse anyway.

  3. Cleargemstone - thanks for your comments, its always good to hear feedback!
    Marion - I am discovering more and more people that are feeling the same, so at least we are not alone! And if untidiness is an indication of a creative spirit I must be VERY creative!!

  4. Hi, I have just discovered your blog and website, your makes are fab and I love your flower brooches, I am now a follower of your blog. I am so pleased to see your untidy work space!! It is just like mine!!!
    Look forward to reading more,

  5. Hi Andrea,
    Thanks for the follow and the kind comments, its nice to have (nice) feedback! It's a bit tidier now but tidying is not one of my priorities! Donna
