
Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Christmas Exhibitions

I have work in a few Christmas Exhibitions this year, I was delighted to be asked to design new bags for the festive exhibition "Sprickle and Peester" at the Bonhoga Gallery in Weisdale, Shetland.  This exhibition runs until Christmas and features work from over 30 artists including several from Shetland.  Read more about it here.

Sprickle and Peester are dialect words meaning "to wriggle and squeal with delight", I love the poster, it reflects the title really well.  There is a large version of the phrase on the wall of the stairs landing, which leads you into the gallery.

The poster was designed by Jono Sandilands using his paper cutting technique to reflect the handmade qualities of the exhibition.  You can read about the design process on his blog by clicking here.

Two of the bags in the show are below, I had to take the photos in the half dark as the bags had to be handed in the next day, so they aren't the best!  You can see the more photos on my facebook page.

You can also see my work at the Newashgate Gallery, Farnham, Surrey in their Winter Contemporary Textiles exhibition which runs until January 31st.

If you are near West Kilbride, pop over to the Craft Town Gallery currently located in Happyhills, Main Street, where I am exhibiting in the Alternative Giving exhibition until 24th December.

For other places to buy have a look at the stockists page on my website.

I can't believe how fast these Christmas exhibitions have arrived, now I need to think about summer exhibitions!

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