
Friday, 15 October 2010

New Followers Gadget

I am still getting to grasps with the technology involved in this blogging, and have been sitting for a while trying different things, reading help topics, etc. when I really should be getting on with painting my kitchen units (nearly there, keep looking for some photos.  My camera card reader has broken so waiting for a new one before I can put up any more posts).

Anyway, I have added a followers gadget on the right hand side of the page, you can click on the "follow" tab to keep up to date with my posts.  Would be lovely to see you there!

I have also added the following buttons on the right:

They also work by clicking on the pitctures (I find it so satisfying when links work!)

I am hoping to get my new card reader soon, as there are lots of things I want to share with you!

Have a splendid weekend all!

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